Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Web 2.0

More than 400 million active users
50% of active users log on to Facebook in any given day
Average user has 130 friends
People spend over 500 billion minutes per month on Facebook
There are over 160 million objects that people interact with (pages, groups and events)
Average user is connected to 60 pages, groups and events
Average user creates 70 pieces of content each month
More than 25 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes,
photo albums, etc.) shared each month.

By reading the above, I have come to the conclusion that the world never sleeps!!  We are all so engage in our virtual lives.  When sitting browsing through Facebook, posting photos, commenting on peoples posts, it has never occurred to me that over 400 million people are doing the same.  Does this not show how powerful Web 2.0 is...?  In a way i find it quite daunting, that something can control our lives in such a way.  I saw a television programme once that was talking about social networking sites and how they effect the path our lives take.  There are certain people, that our life did not intend for us to keep in touch with, people who we are meant to leave behind to progress in our future.  I found this very interesting and when I actually looked at my friends list on Facebook, I had many friends who I hadn't even really spoke to in school, yet they were commenting on my status's and photos.  Is this not a little weird?

Something that did catch my eye in the Professional Communication Technology reader was 'Tim O'Reily's meme'.  By analyzing this it made me think deeper about the web 2.0 tools I use in everyday life, and showed me the deeper meaning of these tools and how they effect us.  I also like the idea that web 2.0 tools 'reduces barriers by making participation cheap, easy and quick', (Hamilton, 2000).  I find this to be true, you can build a whole business through participating in the communication of web 2.0.   'Ullrich et al.(2008)' uses the term 'architecture of assembly', everything we do to build on these tools, helps them to develop and evolve.  We are able to create our own methods of production and don't have to rely on other sources to do it for us.

I think I will come back to this, with more comments as I start to analyze the way i use Web 2.0 more.  I'm no longer just going to post, I will be thinking constantly about the effect the posts i write will have on the community that are able to see it.

Friday, 22 February 2013

Camera, Action!

Hey Guys... Heres my youtube video...  http://youtu.be/BD789TOrAZU.  Not going to lie, I think i did it about 10 times.  Haha.  Kept wanting to put in more, but then I said to myself.  Lizzy, your not making a movie here!!!  Enjoy.

Friday, 15 February 2013

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

The way we interpret...

Ive been nosey and had a look at other bloggers from the BAPP course.  I have found so many different interpretations of what it is the Task asked us to do.  Now I'm not sure if there is a right or wrong, or if we are to learn from our own and others interpretations and make our own decision on what we think is right.  I like the way Kim Walton http://kymwalton.blogspot.co.uk/ wrote her profile as if she was having a conversation with the reader.  It really engaged me and I was actually interested in reading on through her profile.  I think this is the same kind of approach I took.  I want to make my readers get to know me and my personality through my words.  I don't want them to just know what work I have done.  That's a bit boring and less personal, I feel.  Looking back over past years, I found Ahmet Ahmet's blog to be extremely interesting. http://mrahmet.blogspot.co.uk.  Although the profile was very informative, he made a little joke at the end and i felt that gave me an insight into the kind of character he is.  As i went on to read more of his blog, i was mentally stealing ideas for my own.  Sorry Ahmet!! You should have copy written your ideas.  haha.  


So I'm back already!  I just wanted to share with you all why i changed my background to the Stereo.  The stereo is so retro, and yet it holds such a strong place in society.  Especially the world i work in.  Without music i would have no inspiration, it holds a massive part of my heart.  So i chose the stereo as the background for my blog as it is part of the background of me.

Round 1.

I call this blog round 1 as I know i will write it, post it and then think of lots of other things i could have written.  So I know there will be a round 2.  Probably a Round 200! (That made me laugh).  Oh no, i laugh at my own jokes!!  I want to utilise this tool and get it to help me connect with as many people who share my interests and maybe those that don't.  It feels good to blog!  I'm liking this already and its only my first 1.  I shall be back later, as its time to get my head around some choreographing. :)  Have a great day!