There are many different ways that we can conduct research and I feel that there are Pros and Cons to all forms of research. I also feel that certain types of research are better suited to different topics.
Surveys: I believe that Surveys are a great way to gain statistics and discover patterns when researching for an inquiry. It allows us to gain a wide range of answers, from different people and makes the summary non biased. However, I don't believe that it gets a deep enough answer to questions and can be very vague. I don't feel that I could just use a survey by itself and gain optimal results for my Inquiry. It is less personal but more statistical.
Interviews: An interview is a great tool of research. It allows the researcher to gain a more personal opinion on their topic and also allows them to feel the participants emotion towards the topic. It also allows the researcher to ask questions about the respondents answers. An interview can evolve as it is going along and can lead on to so many other questions and topics. The personal side can however, become biased and cant be used for statistics but can be used to get an inside view from somebody who is involved in the topic.
Focus Groups: Focus groups are great for bringing together ideas, and creating discussion and debates on topics. It brings an inquiry to life, and allows us to develop ideas from other peoples knowledge and opinions and maybe take a different view on the topic. I do however feel that focus groups can also be biased and this therefore doesn't allow enough variety and truth about the topic to be discussed.
Pilot Observations: Observations help greatly with an inquiry as they allow you to develop feedback and ideas over time. By doing more than one observation, you are able to compare the different ways in which people work and have a variety of research to work from.It allows us to see the topic in action and get a more live experience from the work involved. I do feel that Observations may not always be beneficiary though, as if the people know they are being observed they may adapt the way they do things and it may not be a true display of the work.
Sunday, 10 November 2013
Wednesday, 30 October 2013
Professional Ethics Findings in the Workplace
writing what I feel are the ethics and code of conduct within teaching dance, I
have done some research into literature and professional sources to see how my
views and opinions differ or relate to these pieces.
I found a piece on the 'NDTA website, ', which i feel supports my views on Health and Safety in my work place.
I do however feel that this goes into a lot
more detail and there are more categories listed that I didn't consider in my
views on professional ethics.
I found a
very interesting piece through Google about the ethics and regulations in
dance, and how this writer feels that dance doesn't create its own ethics and
that it is run and ruled by laws and regulations that have been set by those
who have no knowledge of the industry. After reading this, it has made me very
intrigued to research deeper into the political views this writer discusses and
has risen the question in my mind, 'Do Dancers follow Dance ethics, or are we
following a system that was never created for us?' The Link is below:
I also
found another great piece, written by a polish philosopher who's take on
Dancer's professional ethic differs from the piece above:
I do feel
that by researching on the internet, there is a wide range of views on what the
professional ethics are within dance. I think that this however sums up
that dance doesn't have its own professional ethics, it runs on the guidelines
of other laws and professions to create ethics. Can we build a foundation
of solid ethics on something that is so free and expressive? Who can put
a restriction on creativity? If we have to sit and think whether a piece
of choreography fits into a code of conduct, is it really a piece of expression
or merely a militarized combination of ethical movement?
Professional Ethics in the Workplace.
Professional Ethics tie in greatly with Laws and Regulations. I feel that we base our professional ethics around what we are told we have to do legally, especially when working with children as there are many do's and don'ts in this field that we must stick to strongly.
I feel that the following are some of the main ethics we apply in my work setting when teaching children to dance.
Health And Safety
We must make sure that the space we are working in is free of any hazards and that it has been checked for any sharp objects or things that could potentially harm any of the children and myself. It is ideal to have sprung floor to prevent any injuries. There must be a source of ventilation and access to drinking water within very close proximity of the studio, ideally inside. The children must all be wearing appropriate shoes for the class to prevent any injuries. The doors in the studio must also be closed during sessions, so only the adults can open them, to prevent any children getting out.
PAR - Q (Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire)
Before allowing a child to join in a class, the Parent/Guardian must fill out a PAR-Q so that the teacher can know of anything that could prevent a child from doing certain activities. It should also contain the Parent/Guardians contact details in case of emergencies and state any special requirements that need to be met for the child. I feel this is very important as we can always look back at this and check, for example if a child has asthma we should let them have more rest periods and make sure they always bring their pump to class.
When choosing music to play in a children's dance class, it must be age appropriate and we must have PPL Licensing to play any music in a public place. It is not appropriate to play any music with swearing or sexual innuendos within the lyrics and the music must be groomed properly before it is played in a class. This can sometimes be difficult as a lot of children these days love commercial music and you want to play songs they know and can identify as this makes their classes more enjoyable. But it is very hard to find popular commercial songs without some bad lyrics.
I feel that the following are some of the main ethics we apply in my work setting when teaching children to dance.
Health And Safety
We must make sure that the space we are working in is free of any hazards and that it has been checked for any sharp objects or things that could potentially harm any of the children and myself. It is ideal to have sprung floor to prevent any injuries. There must be a source of ventilation and access to drinking water within very close proximity of the studio, ideally inside. The children must all be wearing appropriate shoes for the class to prevent any injuries. The doors in the studio must also be closed during sessions, so only the adults can open them, to prevent any children getting out.
PAR - Q (Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire)
Before allowing a child to join in a class, the Parent/Guardian must fill out a PAR-Q so that the teacher can know of anything that could prevent a child from doing certain activities. It should also contain the Parent/Guardians contact details in case of emergencies and state any special requirements that need to be met for the child. I feel this is very important as we can always look back at this and check, for example if a child has asthma we should let them have more rest periods and make sure they always bring their pump to class.
When choosing music to play in a children's dance class, it must be age appropriate and we must have PPL Licensing to play any music in a public place. It is not appropriate to play any music with swearing or sexual innuendos within the lyrics and the music must be groomed properly before it is played in a class. This can sometimes be difficult as a lot of children these days love commercial music and you want to play songs they know and can identify as this makes their classes more enjoyable. But it is very hard to find popular commercial songs without some bad lyrics.
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
I believe that this article from Equity really supports the research I have been doing on performers working for free. Please feel free to comment on this subject :)
Here is a short survey I created on working for free. Would be great if you could take it. Thanks
Tuesday, 8 October 2013
working for free.
Having just had a short but inspirational chat with Alan Durrant, I felt I wanted to blog about this issue whilst it was still fresh in my mind. Unpaid jobs within the performing arts are on a rise and I want to explore this issue and see if i can find research that supports working for free. I have like many other performers worked on jobs for no pay, my main reason was to gain experience and network. But, how long can you work for free before you need money to pay your bills? If money wasn't an issue I would perform for free every day, as it is what I have a great passion for and I would love to do it all the time. But money is a big issue in this world, we have to have money to survive, we live in a society where money rules. So how can we justify working for free?
I found this very interesting info graphic, made by 'Jessica Hische', which I feel is mocking the idea of working for free and thought I would share it below:
I found this very interesting info graphic, made by 'Jessica Hische', which I feel is mocking the idea of working for free and thought I would share it below:

Wednesday, 2 October 2013
After reviewing reader 4, I feel as though I have developed many questions regarding my Profession and the way I work and learn within it.
What is the definition of Knowledge within the performing arts? There are so many sub sectors in the industry that it is hard to label the knowledge we use. Do we give ourselves enough credit for the many different skills and attributions we use in our everyday profession. I'm my own accountant, I'm an administrator, a teacher, a student.
Do we ever stop learning?
Is it ironic that we teach and guide others in a skill we are still learning?
In the performing arts industry it is imperative that we are continually researching and keeping up to date with changes within the industry. But how research may be viewed by others is different to how it is viewed in my profession. Taking a class is research. Learning a new song is research. Typing an actors name in Google and learning their biography off by heart is research. Watching somebody on a train and creating a whole story for them, and then portraying them in my next acting audition/class is research. I believe that everything I do is research, as it creates knowledge in which i base my creativity on.
What is the definition of Knowledge within the performing arts? There are so many sub sectors in the industry that it is hard to label the knowledge we use. Do we give ourselves enough credit for the many different skills and attributions we use in our everyday profession. I'm my own accountant, I'm an administrator, a teacher, a student.
Do we ever stop learning?
Is it ironic that we teach and guide others in a skill we are still learning?
In the performing arts industry it is imperative that we are continually researching and keeping up to date with changes within the industry. But how research may be viewed by others is different to how it is viewed in my profession. Taking a class is research. Learning a new song is research. Typing an actors name in Google and learning their biography off by heart is research. Watching somebody on a train and creating a whole story for them, and then portraying them in my next acting audition/class is research. I believe that everything I do is research, as it creates knowledge in which i base my creativity on.
Saturday, 28 September 2013
The return
I feel as though I have been away from my blog for such a long time, and it has indeed been months not days! Very bad on my behalf, but the summer threw me some curveballs and I went with the bumpy ride. I have been working so much, on different television sets and have had many early caffeine mornings. There were so many times and experiences that I wish I would have blogged but after a 13 hour shoot, my sleepy head just wanted its best friend. The pillow!!!! I have a 3.45am alarm set for a 6am call time in Oxford tomorrow so the Red bull will definitely not be my enemy in the morning. I am however very excited to get back into the blogging and get started with module 2!! Until then good night. X
Sunday, 19 May 2013
So I have just clicked the send button on my submission email for Module 1. So much goes through your mind after that little click, I should have done this, I should have done that, is it good enough?? But i proof checked it so many times and it was good enough to click the button, so why the doubt afterwards?? Its all a learning curve anyway, I am now reflecting on how well I have done before I have even got the results. Why do I play these mind games... Its sent, its out of my control now!!
Tuesday, 23 April 2013
The benefits of social networking sites
Whilst doing the BAPP course I have started to look more at the ways I use networking to support my career and everyday choices. I have realised that I rely heavily on networking sites Facebook, and Twitter to spread the words about my classes. I really feel that Facebook is a great FREE way to promote a business and it helps to the word to spread. It also allows people who aren't my friends on Facebook to view my page and find out about the classes/events I have going on. I use this tool so naturally everyday that I never realised how much it helps towards my career.
This got me thinking about the networking I don't use as much and how i could utilise those tools. For example, email. When I take classes, I take peoples email addresses so I can let them know if a class was cancelled etc. But I have now started to, since being on this course, emailing all customers I have ever seen about upcoming events, classes and promotions, etc. I have had a good response from doing this and I feel that there is still so much more I could learn from networking and the many ways there are to do it.
This got me thinking about the networking I don't use as much and how i could utilise those tools. For example, email. When I take classes, I take peoples email addresses so I can let them know if a class was cancelled etc. But I have now started to, since being on this course, emailing all customers I have ever seen about upcoming events, classes and promotions, etc. I have had a good response from doing this and I feel that there is still so much more I could learn from networking and the many ways there are to do it.
Tuesday, 16 April 2013
Networking tools.
Below I have made a list of all of the networking tools I use in my professional practice. I believe that these are the main tools that help me to gain the best out of the product I have to offer - ME!
Monday, 15 April 2013
Looking deeper....
What in your daily practice gets you really enthusiastic to find out more about? Who do you admire who also works with what makes you enthusiastic?
The thing that really inspires me and makes me more enthusiastic within my daily practice, is the spirit I see in children when they dance. I especially find this inspires me with special needs or children or those with disabilities. When I see a child who is labelled less able, doing dances and moves with those who are not given this label, it really touches me. It gives me the drive and will power to want to see more of this across the board, and it creates a great passion inside of me to want to do more for these children. I really admire the lady who runs the dance school I teach for 'Denise Sasse'. Denise taught me dance from a very young age right up until I went to college and now I teach classes for her. She has always been a great person to be around, and you can tell she really loves her job and loves making children feel special through performing. Denise takes in all children to her classes and doesn't treat any child different from another, I really admire the person and teacher she is and hope to grow through watching her and learning from her.
What gets you angry or makes you sad? Who do you admire who shares your feelings or has found away to work around the sadness or anger?
Anger and sadness are not usually things people would associate with such an entertaining profession. But unfortunately there are plenty of behind the scene activities that really get me down. The one thing that angers me the most is the amount of unpaid or expenses only jobs for performers. People take for granted that it is something we love to do and therefore know that we will do it for free. However, we have to live, we have to eat and pay bills like any other person in this world. When I left performing arts college, a lot of the jobs i did in the beginning were unpaid. I did this to get experience and be able to post it on my Cv, to hopefully get a paid job. But so many performers work for free that it is expected of all of us and it is so hard to find good paid work. '', is a website that post jobs for performers and it only posts paid work adverts. I think this is great and it is a start to making the industry better, and making a stand for us. It shows respect for us as artists and I am so glad that there is somewhere we can go that doesn't exploit us.
What do you love about what you do? Who do you admire who also seems to love this or is an example of what you love?
What do I love about what I do?? I love the feeling that boils in my stomach right before I walk onto the stage, I love that I am able to make people happy through dance and music. I love that I really enjoy my job, I know so many people that just do their jobs because they have to, to make money and to live. I hear so many friends complaining about their days. But to have such a great passion for something, and to be able to make it your career is one of the most rewarding feelings ever. I get great pleasure in knowing that I have changed a persons day, by helping them gain confidence and self esteem through dance. I love watching children grow into amazing performers through sharing my passion with them. As i mentioned earlier, I really love that theatre and performance can be for anyone, I love that I can help children with special needs enjoy dance and find something they love and can be a part of. I found this news clip about 'relaxed theatre' really inspiring I think that we should introduce more of this, as entertainment really is for everyone.
What do you feel you don’t understand? Who do you admire who does seem to understand it or who has found a way of making not understanding it interesting or beautiful, or has asked the same questions as you?
I don't think that I fully understand the transition from performer the next thing. I love performing and I always have done from a young age but I am finding it very hard to make a full time career from just performing. I love teaching and the passion I have for the children i teach is immense, but I think I have a lot of room to grow and I really want to increase my knowledge at every chance I get. I found that from reading Kim Walton's blog, I realised that she went through the same tribulations I am experiencing now. She worked in an office, and tried different careers but always knew that her heart lied with Performing Arts. Going back to what makes me angry, I actually do wish I could perform for free all day every day and not have to worry about the real world. If I could do that, I would be happy every day. But unfortunately money does make the world go round.
The thing that really inspires me and makes me more enthusiastic within my daily practice, is the spirit I see in children when they dance. I especially find this inspires me with special needs or children or those with disabilities. When I see a child who is labelled less able, doing dances and moves with those who are not given this label, it really touches me. It gives me the drive and will power to want to see more of this across the board, and it creates a great passion inside of me to want to do more for these children. I really admire the lady who runs the dance school I teach for 'Denise Sasse'. Denise taught me dance from a very young age right up until I went to college and now I teach classes for her. She has always been a great person to be around, and you can tell she really loves her job and loves making children feel special through performing. Denise takes in all children to her classes and doesn't treat any child different from another, I really admire the person and teacher she is and hope to grow through watching her and learning from her.
What gets you angry or makes you sad? Who do you admire who shares your feelings or has found away to work around the sadness or anger?
Anger and sadness are not usually things people would associate with such an entertaining profession. But unfortunately there are plenty of behind the scene activities that really get me down. The one thing that angers me the most is the amount of unpaid or expenses only jobs for performers. People take for granted that it is something we love to do and therefore know that we will do it for free. However, we have to live, we have to eat and pay bills like any other person in this world. When I left performing arts college, a lot of the jobs i did in the beginning were unpaid. I did this to get experience and be able to post it on my Cv, to hopefully get a paid job. But so many performers work for free that it is expected of all of us and it is so hard to find good paid work. '', is a website that post jobs for performers and it only posts paid work adverts. I think this is great and it is a start to making the industry better, and making a stand for us. It shows respect for us as artists and I am so glad that there is somewhere we can go that doesn't exploit us.
What do you love about what you do? Who do you admire who also seems to love this or is an example of what you love?
What do I love about what I do?? I love the feeling that boils in my stomach right before I walk onto the stage, I love that I am able to make people happy through dance and music. I love that I really enjoy my job, I know so many people that just do their jobs because they have to, to make money and to live. I hear so many friends complaining about their days. But to have such a great passion for something, and to be able to make it your career is one of the most rewarding feelings ever. I get great pleasure in knowing that I have changed a persons day, by helping them gain confidence and self esteem through dance. I love watching children grow into amazing performers through sharing my passion with them. As i mentioned earlier, I really love that theatre and performance can be for anyone, I love that I can help children with special needs enjoy dance and find something they love and can be a part of. I found this news clip about 'relaxed theatre' really inspiring I think that we should introduce more of this, as entertainment really is for everyone.
What do you feel you don’t understand? Who do you admire who does seem to understand it or who has found a way of making not understanding it interesting or beautiful, or has asked the same questions as you?
I don't think that I fully understand the transition from performer the next thing. I love performing and I always have done from a young age but I am finding it very hard to make a full time career from just performing. I love teaching and the passion I have for the children i teach is immense, but I think I have a lot of room to grow and I really want to increase my knowledge at every chance I get. I found that from reading Kim Walton's blog, I realised that she went through the same tribulations I am experiencing now. She worked in an office, and tried different careers but always knew that her heart lied with Performing Arts. Going back to what makes me angry, I actually do wish I could perform for free all day every day and not have to worry about the real world. If I could do that, I would be happy every day. But unfortunately money does make the world go round.
Friday, 12 April 2013
Mirror, mirror on the wall....
Reflection.... We don't always like what we see, do we? I know I am very self critical and yet I walk past a mirror and have to look into it. I am a walking oxymoron. But to reflect on my reflection is something I have not consciously known I do. But by doing task 2C, I have realised it is something I use every day in my work life and home life.
When I am teaching, I constantly have to adapt to situations, as children can be very spontaneous. I never looked at this as a type of reflection before, and just thought of it as thinking on my feet. But I found the statement below very interesting and it made me look at my work with a different approach.
'The practitioner allows himself to experience surprise, puzzlement, or confusion in a situation which he finds uncertain or unique. He reflects on the phenomenon before him, and on the prior understandings which have been implicit in his behaviour. He carries out an experiment which serves to generate both a new understanding of the phenomenon and a change in the situation.' (Schön 1983: 68)
By looking at how I react to situations in my classes, I am able to 'reflect on action', I can make notes of the ways I reacted and create new theories and ideas for the next time something like this happens. I like to talk to other dance teachers and share experiences of things that have and could happen in classes. This helps me to develop new ideas and learn from those who are more experienced than I.
I like the idea that reflection is one taking everything out from their mind, being able to look at it and piece it back together in different ways. I got this idea from a quote I read, 'One simply siphons the excess thoughts from one‟s mind, pours them into the basin, and examines them at one‟s leisure. It becomes easier to spot patterns and links, you understand, when they are in this form.' (Rowling, 2000: 518). I like working this way, as I feel it allows me to create many different ideas and theories from reflecting on everything in my mind. I am able to open up more and see more ways I can approach situations.
I have found that by keeping my journal, it really helps with my reflection on my work. By writing down my experiences in my day whilst they are fresh in my mind it helps me when I want to look back later on, 'as reflection is slippery' (Moon, 2004: 4). You can forget something you did, or something that happened and it will be hard to then learn from that if the events are not clear anymore. But with my journal, I am able to make sure I note down everything that happens in my day.
When I am teaching, I constantly have to adapt to situations, as children can be very spontaneous. I never looked at this as a type of reflection before, and just thought of it as thinking on my feet. But I found the statement below very interesting and it made me look at my work with a different approach.
'The practitioner allows himself to experience surprise, puzzlement, or confusion in a situation which he finds uncertain or unique. He reflects on the phenomenon before him, and on the prior understandings which have been implicit in his behaviour. He carries out an experiment which serves to generate both a new understanding of the phenomenon and a change in the situation.' (Schön 1983: 68)
By looking at how I react to situations in my classes, I am able to 'reflect on action', I can make notes of the ways I reacted and create new theories and ideas for the next time something like this happens. I like to talk to other dance teachers and share experiences of things that have and could happen in classes. This helps me to develop new ideas and learn from those who are more experienced than I.
I like the idea that reflection is one taking everything out from their mind, being able to look at it and piece it back together in different ways. I got this idea from a quote I read, 'One simply siphons the excess thoughts from one‟s mind, pours them into the basin, and examines them at one‟s leisure. It becomes easier to spot patterns and links, you understand, when they are in this form.' (Rowling, 2000: 518). I like working this way, as I feel it allows me to create many different ideas and theories from reflecting on everything in my mind. I am able to open up more and see more ways I can approach situations.
I have found that by keeping my journal, it really helps with my reflection on my work. By writing down my experiences in my day whilst they are fresh in my mind it helps me when I want to look back later on, 'as reflection is slippery' (Moon, 2004: 4). You can forget something you did, or something that happened and it will be hard to then learn from that if the events are not clear anymore. But with my journal, I am able to make sure I note down everything that happens in my day.
Tuesday, 12 March 2013
A False sense of perfection...
I was browsing through my face book today and I started to recognise an ongoing pattern. Photos posted through instagram, status' s that expressed the amazing things that were happening to people. Pregnancy's, marriages, new jobs!! Are we creating illusions of perfection to each other through the power of social media. Are we sub consciously trying to out do eachother and make our lives seem like fairytales. Is this constant live updating of the good things in our lives making the others we share it with doubt their progression in life?? Please share your thoughts with me on this...
Tuesday, 5 March 2013
Journal Writing Experience
On Tuesday 26th March I worked in an SEN primary school teaching children Dance and Drama. A performing friend of mine usually teaches this class but she is currently doing a sketch show so needed it covered. I was a little nervous the day before, as although I have taught children with special needs and behavioral problems, I have never taught in an SEN school before. Having one child in a class is different to teaching a whole class with special needs. I planned my classes very carefully, and made sure I researched the school so I could understand all the different types of children that attend there. When I arrived at the school and taught the classes I was overwhelmed with how energetic and friendly all the children were. I was able to engage with them through the world of performing and felt such pleasure from seeing them grow in confidence and self esteem from the exercises I was doing with them. It made me grow as a person and a teacher to see how widely my work can effect children. This is why i love Performing Arts so much, and why it will always hold a place in my heart. It doesn't shut its doors to anyone, and maybe it could teach the world a few things.
Tuesday, 26 February 2013
Web 2.0
More than 400 million active users
50% of active users log on to Facebook in any given day
Average user has 130 friends
People spend over 500 billion minutes per month on Facebook
There are over 160 million objects that people interact with (pages, groups and events)
Average user is connected to 60 pages, groups and events
Average user creates 70 pieces of content each month
More than 25 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes,
photo albums, etc.) shared each month.
By reading the above, I have come to the conclusion that the world never sleeps!! We are all so engage in our virtual lives. When sitting browsing through Facebook, posting photos, commenting on peoples posts, it has never occurred to me that over 400 million people are doing the same. Does this not show how powerful Web 2.0 is...? In a way i find it quite daunting, that something can control our lives in such a way. I saw a television programme once that was talking about social networking sites and how they effect the path our lives take. There are certain people, that our life did not intend for us to keep in touch with, people who we are meant to leave behind to progress in our future. I found this very interesting and when I actually looked at my friends list on Facebook, I had many friends who I hadn't even really spoke to in school, yet they were commenting on my status's and photos. Is this not a little weird?
Something that did catch my eye in the Professional Communication Technology reader was 'Tim O'Reily's meme'. By analyzing this it made me think deeper about the web 2.0 tools I use in everyday life, and showed me the deeper meaning of these tools and how they effect us. I also like the idea that web 2.0 tools 'reduces barriers by making participation cheap, easy and quick', (Hamilton, 2000). I find this to be true, you can build a whole business through participating in the communication of web 2.0. 'Ullrich et al.(2008)' uses the term 'architecture of assembly', everything we do to build on these tools, helps them to develop and evolve. We are able to create our own methods of production and don't have to rely on other sources to do it for us.
I think I will come back to this, with more comments as I start to analyze the way i use Web 2.0 more. I'm no longer just going to post, I will be thinking constantly about the effect the posts i write will have on the community that are able to see it.
Friday, 22 February 2013
Camera, Action!
Hey Guys... Heres my youtube video... Not going to lie, I think i did it about 10 times. Haha. Kept wanting to put in more, but then I said to myself. Lizzy, your not making a movie here!!! Enjoy.
Friday, 15 February 2013
Tuesday, 12 February 2013
The way we interpret...
Ive been nosey and had a look at other bloggers from the BAPP course. I have found so many different interpretations of what it is the Task asked us to do. Now I'm not sure if there is a right or wrong, or if we are to learn from our own and others interpretations and make our own decision on what we think is right. I like the way Kim Walton wrote her profile as if she was having a conversation with the reader. It really engaged me and I was actually interested in reading on through her profile. I think this is the same kind of approach I took. I want to make my readers get to know me and my personality through my words. I don't want them to just know what work I have done. That's a bit boring and less personal, I feel. Looking back over past years, I found Ahmet Ahmet's blog to be extremely interesting. Although the profile was very informative, he made a little joke at the end and i felt that gave me an insight into the kind of character he is. As i went on to read more of his blog, i was mentally stealing ideas for my own. Sorry Ahmet!! You should have copy written your ideas. haha.
So I'm back already! I just wanted to share with you all why i changed my background to the Stereo. The stereo is so retro, and yet it holds such a strong place in society. Especially the world i work in. Without music i would have no inspiration, it holds a massive part of my heart. So i chose the stereo as the background for my blog as it is part of the background of me.
Round 1.
I call this blog round 1 as I know i will write it, post it and then think of lots of other things i could have written. So I know there will be a round 2. Probably a Round 200! (That made me laugh). Oh no, i laugh at my own jokes!! I want to utilise this tool and get it to help me connect with as many people who share my interests and maybe those that don't. It feels good to blog! I'm liking this already and its only my first 1. I shall be back later, as its time to get my head around some choreographing. :) Have a great day!
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